TL;DR: if you don't get with the sustainability program now, you're going the way of the Blackberry, Blockbuster, and the brontosaurus.

In other words…

Millennials and Gen Z, who, according to Bloomberg, each make up about one third of the global population, are gaining wealth and spending power – Accenture estimates that Millennials in North America alone stand to inherit over US$30 trillion in the next 30 years.

As the greatest spending generations to be, the discerning Millennial customer expects sustainable products from responsible companies. They will demand accountability, transparency, and meaningful impact (US Trust). Millennials have overtaken Gen X as the most represented generation in the work force; Gen Z will soon overtake Millennials in the workforce, and they will vote with those earnings and their wallets. Booking.com’s 2022 study revealed “There is no doubt sustainable travel is important to global travelers, with over four in five (81%) confirming this to be true for them. Half (50%) of global travelers say that recent news about climate change has influenced them to make more sustainable travel choices, and the desire to travel more sustainably is growing.”

On the flip side, businesses that ignore sustainability issues and neglect their corporate responsibilities will see a tarnished reputation and struggle with maintaining consumer loyalty. Where Millennials have demanded environmental sustainability, Gen Z are also shouting loud for social equity. These two generations share similar (non-negotiable) values, and act accordingly. They expect brands and employers to do the same.


The case for sustainability and socially responsible business practices is unequivocal. It's time to make sure that your strategy embraces sustainability, and that you are engaging with your employees, stakeholders, community, and environment in a meaningful way. Whether you are in the rudimentary stages, or whether you have well-established CSR practices, I can help guide you along your sustainability journey.

